Two divinities in partially gilded lacquered bronze

CHINA - 19th century

Estimate : 40 000 - 60 000 €

Sold 52 000 €

Two partially gilded-lacquered bronze deities, each depicted seated in lalitasana on a lotiform base, hold attributes in their hands, respectively a conch shell and a vajra, while each of the opposite hands is in a particular mudra.
Their bodies are partially cold-gilded on the visible flesh parts, and they are dressed in dhoti, adorned with jewelry including necklaces, bracelets and a five-pointed crown, and wearing a scarf that floats around the back and shoulders.
Serene faces, polychrome painted details, full lips, hair styled in a bun, formerly enhanced with malachite blue pigment.
The bases are embellished with a seven-character bronze mark dating from the Qianlong period and reading: Da Qing Qianlong Nian Jing Zao.
Each of the statuettes features an incised inscription on the lower front of the base, designating the deity and reading: You Mu Ba Tian for the deity holding a vajra and Zhuangyan Mu for the second holding a conch shell in her left hand.
Each figure is sealed with a plate embellished with a double vajra.
Height: 18 cm
Width: 13.5 cm
Depth: 9.5 cm

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